Enabling Adobe Acrobat markup

Users can choose Adobe™ markup for review. Enabling Adobe Acrobat markup disables the native Marketing Operations markup for all users.


  1. Click Settings > Configuration > Marketing Operations > umoConfiguration > markup.
  2. Click Edit Settings.
  3. Set the markupServerType property to SOAP.
  4. Set the markupServerURL property to the URL for the Marketing Operations host server. Include the fully qualified host name and the port where the web application server listens.

    Use this path format, with your values substituted for <server> and <port>.


  5. Set the useCustomMarkup property to True to enable the Marketing Operations custom Send Comments button for your PDF markups.
  6. Click Save.
  7. Restart Marketing Operations for the change to take effect.

Installing and configuring Adobe on client computers

About this task

For users to use Adobe markup effectively, you install Adobe Acrobat on each client computer that is used to access HCL® Marketing Operations.

In addition, users who use the Internet Explorer browser to access HCL Marketing Operations must set Internet Explorer preferences to display PDFs in the browser.