HCL Marketing Operations REST API

The HCL® Marketing Operations REST API is a façade that provides a client view of a running Marketing Operations instance.

The API supports the following types of operations.

  • Component creation and deletion
  • Discovery (by component type, attribute value, and more values)
  • Component inspection (through its attributes, specialized links, and more values)
  • Component modification

The Marketing Operations REST APIs are externally exposed. Therefore, they do not require integration services the way that the Marketing Operations SOAP APIs requires the integration services.

Note: Marketing Operations APIs are intended for Administrator use only.

REST API workflow

Process details

The base path for REST API client stub is <MO Home>\devkits-rest\integration.

The client stub and other required libraries are located at <MO Home>\devkits-rest\integration\lib.

Example code for usage of the client stub is located at <MO Home>\devkits-rest\integration\examples.

The directory bin under this directory has a sample batch file that can build the example code. This example code has usage details of various API methods than you can program.

Javadocs for the JAVA methods supported for the REST API are located at <MO Home>\devkits-rest\integration\javadocs.

To write your own custom JAVA code to call the REST APIs:

  • Write your custom code (refer to the Javadocs and the example code if needed).
  • Add all .jar files in the lib directory to classpath when you compile and run your custom code.

Typical usage scenarios

The following two examples illustrate usage of the REST APIs.

Usage scenario with template links:

Template links usage scenario

Standalone or external trigger usage scenario

Standalone or external trigger usage scenario

Rest API reference documentation

For more information see, Rest API reference documentation.