Process of Starting and Stopping Journey

About this task

Starting Process


  1. Starting Process Web
    1. Configure Kafka and Zookeeper
      1. IP – on which Zookeeper/Kafka is running
      2. PORT- Kafka(default 9092), Zookeeper default port 2181
      3. Log path
      4. auto.create.topic.enable = true, this property should be set to true for Engine Publish service to work.
    2. Start Zookeeper, wait 10 sec
    3. Start kafka
    4. configure Journey.xml --(Refer Doc, Doc2 )
    5. Configure Log4j2.xml under conf folder
    6. Start Webserver (JBOSS/TOMCAT/WebSphere)
    7. Start Journey Web application
  2. Starting Engine
    1. Configure application.porperties
      1. Add DB Details
      2. Add Kafka details(eg: spring.kafka.bootstrap-servers=,
        • Path for Ignite Storage,, User thru which engine is executed should have Read and Write access to the path of Ignite folder
      3. Configure Log4j2.xml under conf folder
      4. Configure property spring.ignite.ipFinder.List as below:
        • spring.ignite.ipFinder.List=,,
      5. Start Engine (java –jar journeyEngine.jar)

    Stopping Process (Steps for No Data Loss)
    1. Stop Webserver
    2. Stop Engine - Use Director or find the Journey engine process ID & run below command
      • Linux → kill -SIGINT [engine-process-id] OR kill -2 [engine-process-id]
      • Windows → taskkill /PID [engine-process-id]
    3. Stop kafka
    4. Stop Zookeeper