Upgrade roadmap

Use the upgrade roadmap to quickly find the information that you need for upgrading Unica Journey.

You can use the following table to scan the tasks that must be completed for upgrading Unica Journey:
Table 1. This table describes the topics that are included in the Unica Journey Upgrade Guide and the list of sub-topics in the second column.
Base Journey version Upgrade path Tasks to be performed
In case of Oracle, the base Unica Journey can be:
  • 12.1.x
  • 12.1.0.x

In case of Microsoft SQL Server, MariaDB and OneDB, the base version is and later.

In case of DB2 database ,the base version is 12.1.5

In case of Oracle, the upgrade path can be:
  • 12.1.x → 12.1.7
  • 12.1.0.x → 12.1.7

In case of Microsoft SQL Server, MariaDB and OneDB, the upgrade path is or above → 12.1.7.

In case of DB2 database, the upgrade path is 12.1.5 → 12.1.7.

  1. Upgrade Unica Marketing Platform to 12.1.7
  2. On the Unica Journey base version 12.1.0.x, run the Unica Journey 12.1.7 upgrade installer.
  3. Configure Journey application
  4. Deploy Journey application
  5. Run Journey application
Clean Installing Journey on existing Unica environment when you have system tables as OneDB, MariaDB, DB2 and SQL Server databases In place upgrade to Unica Journey 12.1.7
  1. Upgrade Unica Marketing Platform and required Unica products to 12.1.7 except Journey.
  2. Run clean installer of Unica Journey 12.1.7
  3. Configure Journey application
  4. Deploy Journey application
  5. Run Journey application
  1. If Journey is not already installed on an existing Unica environment with Oracle database, install Unica Journey version 12.1.0 and upgrade to Unica Journey version 12.1.7. If Journey is already installed and the Journey version is 12.1.0, follow the upgrade path mentioned in the earlier table.
  2. If you do not have Journey already installed on existing Unica environment with either MS SQL Server, OneDB or MariaDB and DB2 database then you can install Journey version 12.1.7 directly as clean install.