Starting and Verifying Unica Journey installation

If you performed all of the steps to install and configure Unica Journey, deploy the Unica Journey web application, and configure Unica Journey after deployment, you are ready to verify your installation.

Before you begin

Prerequisites for starting Journey application

Prerequisites to start Journey Web or Engine application:
  • Unica Platform must be started.
  • Zookeeper server is up and running.
  • Kafka server is up and running.

Starting and Verifying Unica Journey

Unica Journey web application which is deployed in Tomcat application server is required to be started by starting the Tomcat instance.

Starting Kafka server and Zookeeper

You can use the following commands to start Kafka server and Zookeper server.
  • Navigate to JOURNEY_HOME/KafkaStandalone/bin (for Linux)
  • Navigate to JOURNEY_HOME/KafkaStandalone/bin/windows (for Windows)
Execute the following command to start Zookeeper first (Zookeeper needs to be up and running while you start stop Kafka server.

zookeeper-server-start <PATH TO ZOOKEEPER CONF FILE>

For example: zookeeper-server-start JOURNEY_HOME/KafkaStandalone/config/

kafka-server-start <PATH TO SERVER CONF FILE>

For example: kafka-server-start JOURNEY_HOME/KafkaStandalone/config/

Starting Unica Journey Engine/Server

  • Unica Journey Engine application is a standalone application and that can be started as below.
    • Navigate to JOURNEY_HOME/Engine directory.
    • Run Engine application by running the following command: java -jar journeyEngine.jar. You can optionally write script to start this as a service.

Verifying Journey Installation

If you have not already done, log in to Unica as a user that exists in the Unica Platform Administrators role (such as asm_admin). You require to define the user roles and permissions for the Unica Journey user by navigating to Settings > User Roles and Permissions. Under User Roles and Permissions, you must assign roles and permissions for Unica Journey application. You cannot assign new user roles and work with system provided user roles - JourneyAdmin and JourneyUser. You can review and edit the roles these two user roles can perform. Once your define user roles and permissions for JourneyAdmin and JourneyUser, you can assign these roles to any Platform user which you require to provide access in Journey application to different application functionalities.