Starting Unica Director

About this task

Unica Director server or agent can be started using below steps. It runs Java 1.8 to run the application.


Java 1.8 path should be set on the Operating System.

Starting Unica Director - Server application

  • java -jar add-on_Server-

where the jar is located in <Unica Director Install Path> /Server

Starting Unica Director - Agent application

  • java -jar add-on_Agent-

where the jar is located in <Unica Director Install Path>/Agent

  1. Unica Director Server and Agent applications should be up and running as long as Unica Campaign is running, Failure to do this will lead to incomplete or no information of Health or monitoring available with the Unica Director server.
  2. Apache ActiveMQ should be available as long as Unica Campaign application is up and running. Failure to do this will lead to incomplete / no information being passed / shared with Unica Director. This can also lead to inconsistent information in the Flowchart monitoring section on the Unica Director application.
  3. available at <HCL_Director_Home>\Server is always referred when the Director server is started. If you want to make any changes, for example: port number, you must make it in the available at this location and restart the Director server.