Interact | offerserving | Tie Breakers

The offer serving Tie Breakers category specifies custom offer tie breaker policies. A offer tie breaker policy, also called offer selection policy is used to perform offer selection from an offer list of a treatment rule when eligible offers in the list are more than number of offers returned from the list specified for the rule. Out of box, Interact provides three policies, “Most recent updated offers”, “Random”, or “By offer attribute”. But if you prefer your own logic to perform the selection, you can implement the logic and define the class information using this setting. Interact Runtime loads and applies it during runtime offer arbitration.

A sample class for Custom Policy is provided at Interact_Home/samples/optimization, which sorts the offers based on Offer name or Offer code.

To use this class, use the following configuration details.

class: com.unicacorp.interact.samples.tiebreaker.SampleOfferTieBreaker

classPath: Give path till file including name.

After saving the Tie Breaker configuration under Parameter Data node, add the following configuration details.

New category name: Type

value: OfferName or OfferCode

Category name


The name of your policy. You must specify an appropriate name.

Description: The name of the Java class of your policy implementation.
Default value: No default value defined.
Description: The classpath of the Java class for your policy implementation. The classpath must reference jar files on the runtime environment server. If you are using a server group and all runtime servers are using the same Unica Platform, every server must have a copy of the jar file in the same location. The classpath must consist of absolute locations of jar files, separated by the path delimiter of the operating system of the runtime environment server, for example a semi-colon (;) on Windows and a colon (:) on UNIX™ systems. Directories containing class files are not accepted. For example, on a Unix system: /path1/file1.jar:/path2/file2.jar. This classpath must be less than 1024 characters. You can use the manifest file in a .jar file to specify other .jar files so only one .jar file has to appear in your class path. If multiple JARs are provided in this setting, they must be separated with their platform's path separator character, example, the semicolon ";" on Windows, and the colon ":" on Linux
Default value: No default value defined.



The constraint percentage for a given offer allocation for a runtime server to support the distribution across runtime servers.

Default value


Valid Values

An integer between 0 and 100.



How often the disabled counts from the UACI_OfferCount table are cleaned up. A value less than 1 disables this feature.

Default value


Valid Values

An integer greater than 0.