Known issues

The following table lists issues in Unica Interact 12.1.

Issue ID Description
HMA-351178 If you are installing Interact on Red Hat Enterprise Linux in GUI mode, the Interact installer executes DB2 scripts instead of executing Oracle scripts.

Workaround: When installing Interact on Red Hat Enterprise Linux, use the Console mode for installation.

HMA-311295 RTAs used in OM filters get deleted.
HMA-312397 The Interact Installer did not ask details again when the installation faled and users selected Retry.

Workaround : If the Automatic DB scripts execution fails run the script file manually from the desired location.

HMA-312341 Interact Response files do not have details for setting up automatic databases.

Workaround: Copy the database details from the Interact Install logs to the respective properties file.

HMA-282764 The audience search condition is case sensitive for DB2 and Oracle.
HMA-283000 After a coverage scenario completed with error and the user clicked on 'Export CSV' option, a file downloaded and the 'Download' icon got enabled.

An error occurs while initializing the JBOSS application server.


In case of the JBOSS Application Server if you get the error "classes are not found" during the Application server initialization, you must explicitly provide a path in the specific Jboss module.xml as per the jar available in Lib.

For example: Class name: GetPropertyAction Package Name: com/sun/jmx/mbeanserver Jar name:rt.jar (basically available in jdk) So, add in the Jboss module.xml file at the following location:

<Jboss_Install_Dir>\modules\system\layers\base\sun\jdk\ main\module.xml

HMA-290177 Unable to change market score on Strategy Rule Wizard window.
HMA-290084 Win8-IE11:Expression disappears while adding new branch in flowchart.
HMA-172332 If you create approximately 900 rules by adding one offer and 900 segments with the rule wizard and try to save the strategy, the following error is displayed.



Ifyou create a persistent derived field in a flowchart process, then connect the output of that process to a decision process to profile the persistent derived field, the field is not profiled.

Workaround: Profile the original derived field.

HMA-303345 The new fields added to ILPB personalization screen are not visible or accessible using existing ILPB.
HMA-286800 After posting Contact and Reject event the pattern turns true. But in UACI_OfferStats table, the patterns attribute value is still displayed as 0 when it should be 1.
HMA- 286951

When contact and response events are posted in the same batch, they are unable to record the intermediate state for learning that a contact happened but not the response. This is because the learningdata for events is processed asynchronously, thus at the time Interact prepares the contact event for persistence, the response event has already occurred.

HMA-203692 If there is a constraint on number of times offers can be served in an IC, Interact considers that the limit reaches when the runtime server is restarted.
HMA-304311 While using expression builders on the new strategy UI, items dragged from the left panel can be dropped only to the end of the existing expression.
HMA-306001 On the new Strategy UI, whNew fields have been introduced for the Interaction List Process box in 12.0 . The old fields ' 'Predicate ' and 'EnableStateID' should not be shown for a fresh flowchart.en changing the offer of an existing smart rule, the parameterized offer attributes are reset to their default values as defined in the new offer. In addition, if an offer attribute is used in the eligibility or score predicate, it may become invalid and manual validation and update are required.
HMA-305629 If an outbound gateway is used for triggered messages, a new set of property files are added to conf\gateways\outbound. The previous property files under OMO\conf\outbound are still affective. However, it is recommended to move those files to the corresponding ones under the new directory and update the gateway parameters accordingly.
HMA-310853 REST API Swagger: Search criteria condition and multiple attribute sorting is not working from Swagger.
HMA-309271 Unable to create OM by selecting CSV file from swagger.
HMA-311535 On Rule list Segment, search is case insensitive.
HMA-311305 RTA usage for FlexOffers is not captured.
HMA-306115 An error occurs while deploying EAR file containing Campaign and Interact.
HMA-311334 When EffectiveDate or ExpirationDate is used in a FlexOffers filter condition, the variables used causes runtime error, while using a date constant selected from the datepicker works.
HMA-305203 Getting NullPointerException after deleted Jmx_Model node in the Platform configuration.