Fixed defects

The following table lists defects that are fixed in Unica Interact V12.1.

Issue ID Description
HMA-305777 If a user's username or password contained non-ASCII characters, Strategy tab for an Interactive Channel could not be loaded.
HMA-305810 Only numeric and string literals were supported. So, the corresponding numeric values had to be used instead of a number in the currency format. For example, 12,345.00 was invalid even the system may add it automatically in expression builders, while 12345.00 was valid. Also, the date macro had to be used for transforming a date literal value, which was given as a string.
HMA-290911 If a locale was used while creating a Sample ProcessBox in an interactive flowchart and a different locale was used, the flowchart test run could not behave as expected, if the underlying database was DB2.
HMA-305110 Offers updated through Common Offer Manager required few minutes to be effective, which caused the changes unavailable in Interact.
HMA-305219 A strategy created using the old UI with no contents was not visible on the old strategy UI. Instead, it was visible on the new strategy UI.
HMA-303363 After changing the authentication method from UnicaPlatform to LDAP or vice versa on the runtime environment, restart of the run time server was required in order for the change to be affective.

In cases, where an offer was suppressed using a dynamic attribute value (attribute value = [auto]) and cross-session response tracking was used, the offer could not be suppressed as expected.

Workaround: An attribute value other than [auto] was used. This issue may be addressed in a future release.

HMA-302320 Simulator did not accept audience IDs, if they have hyphen (-) in them.