Working with Interact Extreme Scale Server

To improve performance for very large installations of an Interact runtime server group, you can use the optional Interact Extreme Scale Server caching solution that is based on WebSphere® eXtreme Scale. You can configure Interact Extreme Scale Server by modifying a series of configuration properties in HCL Marketing Platform.

To use the Interact Extreme Scale Server caching solution, complete the following steps.

  1. For each Interact runtime server in the server group, run the Interact installer as described in the HCL Interact Installation Guide and select Interact Extreme Scale Server as the feature you want to install.

  2. On each Interact runtime server in the server group, set the following configuration property in Marketing Platform to Extreme Scale:

    Interact > cacheManagement > caches > Interact cache > cacheManagerName

    To use Extreme Scale Server as the cache manager for storing event pattern states for a runtime server group, set the following parameter to Extreme Scale as well:

    Interact > cacheManagement > caches > PatternStateCache > cacheManagerName

You must repeat this process on each Interact runtime server in the server group to enable Interact Extreme Scale Server as the cache manager for the server group.

After you have enabled Interact Extreme Scale Server as the cache manager, you can configure the settings to optimize the caching for your installation.