Known issues

The following table lists issues in Interact 9.1.2.

Issue Issue ID Description
Internal error null is displayed on strategy when the rule wizard creates about 250 rules RTC171779 The error message, An internal error has occurred: null, is displayed on the rules strategy wizard when you try to save a large number of rules (approximately 250 rules or more). However, the rules are successfully added.

This issue is related to a WebSphere® Application Server/DB2® deadlock scenario. You can set the isolation level to Read Committed to reduce the lock contention to fix this issue. For more information about this configuration, see

Reload of an Interactive Channel fails when it contains patterns RTC176923

When there are multiple versions of an Interactive Channel that contains different patterns in different versions and you reload the whole Interactive Channel in design time, the following error is displayed.

Failed to reload interactive channel.
[jcc][t4][102][10040][4.13.127] Batch failure. The batch 
was submitted, but at least one exception occurred on an 
individual member of the batch. Use getNextException() to 
retrieve the exceptions for specific batched elements. 

When you reload the Interactive Channel that contains patterns in the flowchart, the same error message is displayed, but flowchart reloads successfully with correct data. However, the correct version of strategy is not reloaded and more patterns from previous version are present in the Events tab.

To avoid these issues, do not reload an Interactive Channel that contains patterns.

More issues are found when you reload an Interactive Channel that contains advanced patterns. When the Interactive Channel is reloaded the events present in advanced pattern are not displayed inside the pattern in Event Patterns section of the Events tab. In the interactive flowchart, only the Decision process box is displayed; all other Process boxes are missing after reload. For an Opportunity Detect integrated set up, do not reload the Interactive Channel if it contains advanced patterns.

You cannot export a PDF with a new mapped table in the snapshot process box for any locale but English. RTC11682

You should be able to export a PDF in the Fields to Snapshot list on the Snapshots tab with a new mapped table. However, the PDF is not visible nor available for export for any locale but English.

You can delete event patterns even if it is in use. RTC167789

You can delete event patterns from the interactive channel Events tab even if the event pattern is in use; for example, if the event pattern is mapped in the flow chart and the interactive channel is deployed.

If you try to deploy an interactive channel with a deleted event pattern, the following error is displayed.

Error occurred while validating processbox Decision1: 
Unrecognized symbol(s) [eventpattern.score_weightage]'
Display order of entries in Available Fields changes in the Select process on an interactive flowchart. RTC80938, RTC7275 When you edit or view a Select process on an interactive flowchart, the order of the entries in the Available Fields list may be different from other times you edit or view the process. The difference in order is cosmetic, and does not affect the operation of the Select process or the flowchart.

DB2 Loader not working with non-ASCII audience name.

DEF054920, RTC7890

The DB2 file-based loader for contact and response history logging is not supported if the Audience Level contains non-ASCII characters. To work around this issue, either make sure the audience levels use only ASCII characters, or use a memory cache instead of the file-based loader.

Cannot delete a campaign even after deleting the interaction strategy.


In some cases, users cannot delete a campaign even after the interaction strategy with which the campaign is associated is deleted. The ac_web.log file may contain a message similar to "DELETE statement conflicted with the REFERENCE constraint "iTrmtRuleInv_FK3". The conflict occurred in database "Automator_UC", table "dbo.UACI_TrmtRuleInv", column 'CellID'" in this situation.

In this situation, where even the interactive flowchart is undeployed and deleted, and the strategy is deleted, the campaign cannot be deleted because it was part of a strategy that was deployed, and therefore historical data exists for that campaign that is used for reporting. This may be addressed in a future release.

Syntax checking does not work properly in the Advanced Options for an interaction strategy table.

RTC65495, APAR65498, PO01220

When a Marketing Score is determined for an offer in the interaction strategy table on the Advanced Options, the syntax check will sometimes fail. In this case, an error is observed while retrieving the offer from the API getOffers call after the deployment.

Suppression rule attribute value = [auto] for related offers does not work as expected in cross-session response tracking.


In cases where an offer is being suppressed using a dynamic attribute value (attribute value = [auto]) and cross-session response tracking is used, the offer may not be suppressed as expected.

To work around this issue, use an attribute value other than [auto]. This issue may be addressed in a future release.

Issue with eXtreme Scale and Oracle JDK1.7 RTC175253 There is a conflict on serializing and deserializing java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap in eXtreme Scale while running on Oracle JDK 1.7. As a result, WXS is unable to return InteractSession objects.