ILPB tables upgrade utility tool

The Strategy user interface is redesigned for better usability. You can use score predicate and eligibility predicate simultaneously. The ILPB migration upgrade utility migrates the existing Interact List process box (ILPB) tables to create new fields and populate with values from existing predicate fields.
  • The existing structure of the ILPB tables remain valid. The users can decide not to use this utility, if they do not want new fields for existing ILPB tables.
  • The users can migrate the existing ILPB table and use the migrated table to create a new ILPB through UI.


This utility facilitates the migration of data from old predicate and enableStateId fields to new predicate fields scorepredicate, scorepredicateenabled, eligibilitypredicate and eligibilitypredicateenabled for the ILPB tables and add effectivedate and expirationdate for record eligibility.

  • Existing fields

    The following are the existing fields in ILPB tables, which facilitate the user to map predicate field as score predicate or eligibility predicate

    • Predicate
    • EnableStateId

    If the value of EnableStateId field in ILPB is mapped to 3, the expression in predicate field is used as score predicated. If the value of EnableStateId field is mapped to 2, the expression in predicate field is used as eligibility predicated.

  • New fields

    The following are the new fields added by the utility.

    Name Data Type Description
    ScorePredicateEnabled Numeric Valid values are 0 or 1. Any numeric value other than 1 is treated as 0.
    ScorePredicate Text When ScorePredicateEnabled is set to 1, the column value is used as score predicate.
    EligibilityPredicateEnabled Numeric Valid values are 0 or 1. Any numeric value other than 1 is treated as 0.
    EligibilityPredicate Text When EligibilityPredicateEnabled is set to 1, the column value is used as eligibility predicate.
    EffectiveDate Timestamp The date from when the ILPB record is effective. Null is considered as a record valid.
    ExpirationDate Timestamp The date when the ILPB record must expire. Null is considered as the record not expired.
  • Migration rules
    • If the Predicate and EnableStateId fields are not present in the table, the table is ignored by the migration utility.
    • New fields ScorePredicateEnabled, ScorePredicate, EligibilityPredicateEnabled, EligibilityPredicate, EffectiveDate and ExpirationDate is added to the ILPB table, if not already present.
    • The values of the EnableStateId and Predicate columns are migrated on following conditions.

      Value of column EnableStateID Migrated column values

      EligibilityPredicateEnabled = 1

      EligibilityPredicate = Predicate

      ScorePredicateEnabled = 0

      ScorePredicate = null


      EligibilityPredicateEnabled = 0

      EligibilityPredicate = null

      ScorePredicateEnabled = 1

      ScorePredicate = Predicate


      EligibilityPredicateEnabled = 0

      EligibilityPredicate = null

      ScorePredicateEnabled = 0

      ScorePredicate = null

    • EffectiveDate and ExpirationDate is populated with initial values as null. Note that null is considered as the valid dates for the ILPB record.
    • The Utility can run for multiple times for the same table. If the utility is run for an already migrated table, the values of the new predicate fields is updated as per the latest values in predicate or enableStateID fields. This refreshes the latest values in the new predicate fields since the new predicate fields for existing ILPBs through UI are not available.
    • Predicate and EnableStateId fields are dropped from the table after migration.

Properties setups for the ILPB migration upgrade utility

Users must navigate to the path <Installation_Directory>\Interact\tools\upgrade\conf and open file for doing the properties setup.

Users must change the following properties:
  • ILPB_TABLES_TO_UPDATE – This appends the ILPB (whitelist offers, default offers, offer by SQL) table names which you want to migrate data from old fields to new predicate fields. The utility will only work on the tables mentioned for this property. The utility will create new predicate fields, if not already present, populate new predicate fields based on the existing predicate column values and drop these old columns.
  • ILPB_MIGRATIONTASK_BATCHSIZE - Users can set this property for specifying the batch size for data update operations of this utility. The default value is 5000. It indicates the number of record processed at a time for update operation

Procedure for running the ILPB migration upgrade

Users must run the standalone batch file aciILPBUpgradeTool_usrtab.bat or the shell script file from path <Installation_Directory>\Interact\tools\upgrade to run the migration utility.