Create list tables in your customer database

To enable lists, you must create six tables in your customer database:

  • uacc_lists - a list of contacts that are generated as a List.
  • uacc_ondemand_lists - a list of contacts that are generated by On-demand Campaigns.
  • uacc_corporate_lists - a list of contacts that are generated by a flowchart in a Corporate Campaign.
  • uacc_permanent - a list of contacts to be permanently added to or deleted from Lists.
  • uacc_ondemand_permanent - a list of contacts to be permanently added to or deleted from On-demand Campaigns.
  • uacc_corporate_permanent - a list of contacts to be permanently added to or deleted from Corporate Campaigns.
Important: These tables store the selected contacts ID of the list and must be created in the same database as the customer tables.