Configuring the web application server for your JDBC driver

You must configure the web application server before you install Distributed Marketing. All major database types support IBM® EMM system tables. Select the JDBC driver according to your database type.

About this task

Complete the following steps to obtain the correct JDBC driver for your Distributed Marketing installation and to configure your web application server:


  1. Obtain the latest vendor-provided Type 4 JDBC driver that is supported by IBM . See the reference table or tables in this section for details.
    • If the driver does not exist on the machine where Distributed Marketing is installed, obtain it and copy it to the machine where you plan to deploy the Distributed Marketing web application. You can copy it to any location on the machine where you plan to deploy Distributed Marketing. IBM recommends that you unpack the driver in a path that does not include spaces.
    • If you obtain the driver from a machine where the data source client is installed, verify that the version is the latest supported by IBM .

    The following table lists the names for database types and driver file name that are supported for IBM EMM system tables:

    Table 1. Database types and driver files

    Following two-columned table describes database types in one column and driver file names in other columns.

    Database type File for jre 1.6
    MS SQL Server 2008, 2008 R2

    Version 4.0 Type 4 - 4.0.2206.100 (sqljdbc4.jar)

    Oracle 11gR1, Oracle 11gR2

    Oracle driver version (ojdbc6.jar for JDK 1.6, ojdbc7.jar for JDK 1.7)

    IBM DB2® 9.7

    DB2 JDBC driver version 4.14.88, 4.14.113, 4.14.137 (db2jcc4.jar)

    IBM DB2 10.1

    DB2 JDBC driver version 4.15.82, 4.15.100 (4.17.28 for DB2 10.5.x) (db2jcc4.jar)

    Note: For Oracle, use the database drivers from Oracle 12. If you use the database drivers from Oracle 11, you might face memory issues.
  2. Include the full path to the driver in the class path of the web application servers where you plan to deploy IBM EMM products, as follows.
    • For all supported versions of WebLogic, set the class path in the setDomainEnv script in the WebLogic_domain_directory/bin directory where environment variables are configured. Your driver entry must be the first entry in the class path list of values, before any existing values, to ensure that the web application server uses the correct driver. For example:


      export CLASSPATH


      set CLASSPATH=c:\oracle12.1.0.2\jdbc\lib\ojdbc6.jar;%PRE_CLASSPATH%;
    • For all supported versions of WebSphere®, set the class path in the Administration console while you are setting up the JDBC providers for the IBM EMM products.
  3. Restart the web application server so your changes take effect.

    During startup, monitor the console log to confirm that the class path contains the path to the database driver.