
You can use the listmanager_tables.xml file to declare the following:

  • The audience level of the data model of your organization on which the list content is based
  • The data source
  • The tables that are used in the search and list screens


AudienceLevel defines the audience levels of your data model. It contains the following attributes:

  • Label - A short description of the audience level.
  • Name - The code for identifying the audience level. This must match the AudienceLevel attribute of the list element of the listmanager_list.xml file.
  • Table - The name of the table that contains the audience level.
  • Datasource - The name of the data source that is used to access the table from the customer database.

For example:

<AudienceLevel Label="Indiv" Name="Individual" Table="v_indiv_contact" 

Each AudienceLevel element contains a child element, Column:

<AudienceLevel ...>
  <Column... />


The Column parameter specifies the ID column in the audience level table. Column contains a single attribute, Name, for the name of the ID columns in the Audience table. For example:

<Column Name="Indiv_ID"/>


The Datasource element defines the data source declared to access the tables. It contains the following attributes:

  • Name - The JNDI name of the data source in the web application server.
  • Type - The database type. The valid values are SQLSERVER, DB2, ORACLE, NETEZZA, or TERADATA.
  • DecimalSeparator - The character that denotes the decimal place. The valid values are period (.) or comma (,).

For example:

<Datasource Name="ACC_DEMO" Type="SQLSERVER" DecimalSeparator="."/>


Table defines the tables on which the search screens and list screens are based. If you add columns for data filtering in the list tables, it must be reflected in the XML file by adding column definitions to the list table. The Table element contains the following attributes:

  • Name - The name of the table.
  • DataSource - The data source that is used to access the table.
  • Owner - The owner or schema of the database (used to prefix the table name).

For example:

<Table Name="v_indiv_contact" Datasource="ACC_DEMO" Owner="dbo">

Each Table element contains a child element, Column, which can optionally include a LinkedTo parameter:

<Table ...>
  <LinkedTo ... />


The Column parameter describes each column in the table that is defined by the parent Table element. The Column definition of additional columns in both a customer table and a list table must have the Filter parameter set to true. The Filter indicates that the column is part of a filter that is defined in Marketing Platform. If the column is used in a filter, set the value to true. If the column is not used in a filter, set the value to false. If you do not provide a filter value, you do not see any values in those additional columns when records are added from the Search and Add screen.

The Column parameter contains the following attributes:

  • Name - The name of the column.
  • Type - The type of data that is stored in the column. Valid values are A (alphanumeric), N (numerical), D (date stored as VARCHAR yyyymmdd), F (date stored as DATE/DATETIME).
  • Length - The length of the column.
  • DecimalLength - The length of the decimal part for a numeric column.
  • CustomImport - The value must be set to true if you want to use columns apart from the audience level columns as ID columns for importing records in the master customer table. The columns must identify a record uniquely in the master customer table. CustomImport is applicable for columns of the master customer table only. The columns that are marked as CustomImport must be part of the uacc_* tables (such as list tables) with the same name. Valid values are true and false. (This attribute is available in the fix pack.)

For example:

<Column Name="Indiv_ID" Type="N" Length="10" />

The LinkedTo parameter specifies the relationship between a column and a table that defines references. For example, a table contains userID and householdID columns. These columns need to reference another table that relates userID to the Customer audience and householdID to the Household audience.

This element contains the following attributes:

  • Table - The table where the reference is defined.
  • Column - The key column of the table on which the reverence is defined.

For example:

<LinkedTo Table="v_indiv_contact" Column="Indiv_ID"/>