Scheduling processes in a running flowchart

Configure the Schedule process to initiate processes in a running flowchart. The Schedule process works only if the flowchart is running.


  1. Open a campaign and click a flowchart tab.
  2. Click the Edit icon Tiny pencil icon in the flowchart toolbar.
  3. Drag the Schedule process Desktop daily calendar and analog clock icon from the palette to your flowchart.
  4. On the Schedule tab, specify the scheduling conditions.
    1. Specify a value for Total Schedule Period by entering the appropriate values in the Days, Hours, and Minutes fields. The total schedule period is the total time over which the Schedule process is to be active. By default, the total schedule period is set to 30 days.
    2. Select a run frequency from the Schedule to Run drop-down list, to specify exactly when the Schedule process will activate subsequent connected processes.
      • If you select the Once Only option, the flowchart will run exactly once, regardless of what other schedule options have been added. If any other value is selected, then the scheduling options are connected as OR statements and the Schedule process kicks off any process to which it is connected when any option is satisfied.
      • The first option that is satisfied will begin the Schedule run. If Schedule To Run is the only option enabled and the setting is Once Only, the process runs immediately (unless a delay or user authorization has been enabled).
      • The Hours and Minutes fields enable you to specify the time at which you want the schedule to run. The time entry form is based on a 24 hour clock (also referred to as "military time"). In other words, 9 hours 30 minutes is 9:30 a.m., and 22 hours 45 minutes is 10:45 p.m. Because the time base is 24 hours, there is no need to designate a.m. or p.m.
  5. If you select Custom Run from the Schedule to Run list, you can use one or both of the following options to specify when the schedule runs:
    • Choose Run On Time, then specify dates and times for the process to run. Multiple entries must be separated by commas. Click Calendar to select dates and times from a calendar.
    • Choose Run On Trigger(s) if you want the schedule to be triggered by an event.

      The named trigger(s) must be defined using Tools > Stored Triggers. Enter the name of each trigger that can activate this Schedule process. Separate multiple triggers with commas. The trigger name can contain any characters except commas. A trigger name does not have to be unique. You can use the same trigger in multiple campaigns or flowcharts and activate them all at the same time.

      For more information, see Inbound and outbound triggers.

  6. Use one or both of the following options if you want to specify a delay or require authorization.
    • If you choose Wait for User Authorization Before Each Run, a prompt for user authorization will appear each time any other schedule conditions are satisfied, and the Schedule process will not activate unless specific authorization is provided. This option takes precedence over any other schedule indicators; the process will not start unless authorization is given.
      Note: When a flowchart is running with a client attached, user authorization can only occur through the client. If no client is attached, any user with read/write privileges for the campaign can authorize it to continue.
    • If you choose Delay Period Before Each Run, specify the amount of time to wait after a schedule condition has been satisfied before the process runs, using the Days, Hours, and Minutes fields. This delay applies to all other specified schedule options. For example, if a Schedule process is configured to run at 9:00 a.m. on Monday morning with a delay of one hour, subsequent processes will begin to run at 10:00 a.m.
  7. (Optional) Specify triggers to send after the Schedule run is completed.

    If you select the Send Trigger(s) After Each Run check box, Campaign runs one or more triggers each time the Schedule process is activated. An outbound trigger executes a command line, which can be a batch file or a script file. Any named triggers must be defined using Tools > Stored Triggers. If you specify multiple trigger names, they must be separated by commas.

  8. (Optional) Click the General tab to assign a name and descriptive note.

    The name displays on the process box in the flowchart. The note displays when you hover the cursor over the process box in the flowchart.

  9. Click OK.


The process is configured and appears enabled in the flowchart. You can test the process to verify that it returns the results you expect.