Editing Streams and Opportunity Detect XML files

If you select manual database set up when you install Opportunity Detect, you must complete the tasks in this section after you run the HCL® EMM and the Opportunity Detect installer.


  1. In the InteractService/wlp/usr/servers/InteractService directory under your Opportunity Detect installation, modify the server.xml file to reflect the following settings. Replace the values shown in the example with values appropriate for your environment.
    <dataSource id="OpDetectionDS" jndiName="OpDetectionDS">
    		<jdbcDriver libraryRef="DB2JCC4Lib"/>
    Important: The schema name must be capital letters.
  2. If you are using DB2 for your system tables, and if you have installed the DB2 client in a location that is different from the default location, you must update the function.xml file as follows.

    The function.xml file is located in the /home/streamsadmin/OpDetection/toolkits/unica_db_access/db.access/native.function directory.

    1. Locate the following section in the file.
    2. Correct the path in the following lines to reflect the location of your DB2 client. In the following example, the DB2 install path is /data/dbclient/DB2.



  3. Restart the Streams server.