Input data in Opportunity Detect

The transaction and profile data you feed into a trigger system is processed one record at a time. For batch file processing using the File type of data source connector, the system requires specific fields, field order, and sort order in your transaction and profile files.

  • One field in all data sources must be an ID field used for an audience level, and this must be the first field in each record in the file.
  • For transaction files only, one field must be a timestamp field, expressed in milliseconds.
  • The records in a flat file must be sorted by audience ID first, then by transaction timestamp.

Transaction and profile file examples

Note: The following examples are formatted with constant widths for readability. Actual transaction and profile files must not use constant widths.

Here is an example of a simple transaction file.

001234|David   |732-123-4567 |15         |2012-02-10 09:12:33 
001234|David   |732-111-5555 |48         |2012-02-10 10:11:50 
002941|Jeremiah|732-777-8888 |40         |2012-02-10 11:22:44 
005555|Anthony |732-333-4444 |27         |2012-02-10 03:01:02
005555|Anthony |732-32-8945  |121        |2012-02-10 10:12:30 
005555|Anthony |973-597-0022 |2          |2012-02-10 19:00:21 
006789|Tom     |732-111-2222 |4          |2012-02-10 06:54:01

Here is an example of a simple profile file.

001234|25 |11111 
002941|55 |22222 
005555|31 |33333 
006789|60 |44444 
100382|18 |55555