Error messages for transactional email

The Deliver Transactional Mailing Service returns error messages and related codes.

The error messages that are described in the following table apply only to transactional email and transactional email requests.

Message Description Code
INVALID_LOGIN The authentication credentials (user name, password, or both) provided during the call to the Deliver TMS do not match the credentials on file with Unica for your account. Review the userName and password parameters to ensure that the credentials have been specified correctly. 1
UNRECOGNIZED_MAILING_CODE The mailing identified by the mailing code included in the call to the Deliver TMS is not enabled for transactional email. Check the mailing configuration to verify the code. Review the mailingCode parameter to ensure that the code has been configured correctly.The mailing code included in the call to the TMS does not match a transactional mailing. Check the mailing to verify the code. Review the mailingCode parameter to ensure that the code is correct. 2
RUNTIME_EXCEPTION_ENCOUNTERED The email request encountered an unexpected runtime exception. Contact Unica support. 3
ENVIRONMENT_EXCEPTION_ENCOUNTERED The email request encountered an unexpected environment exception. Contact Unica support. 4
SMTP_CONNECTION_FAILURE The connection to the SMTP server failed. Contact Unica support. 5
DOCUMENT_NOT_DEFINED_FOR_SPECIFIED_MAILING The mailing enabled for transactional email does not reference an Deliver document. Examine the mailing configuration. The mailing configuration must reference an email document that defines the contents of the email message.The mailing does not include an email. 6
EMAIL_FAILED_TO_SEND The email message was not transmitted successfully. You can try again or contact Unica support. 7
REQUIRED_PFS_MISSING The email request did not specify names and values for all of the personalization fields required by the mailing. Confirm that the web service request defines all personalization fields used in the email document. The mailing configuration contains a link that lists all of the required personalization fields.The email request did not specify names and values for all of the fields that are required by the mailing. Confirm that the web service request defines all fields that are used in the email. The mailing lists all of the required fields. 8
AUDIENCE_ID_MISSING The request does not include an audience ID. Confirm that the web service request defines a value for the audienceID parameter. 9
ATTACHMENT_NUMBER_MISMATCH The number of attachments defined in the mailing does not match the number passed in the web service request. Review the mailing configuration and the web service request. The mailing configuration and web service request must specify the same number of attachments. The number of attachments that is defined in the mailing does not match the number that is passed in the web service request. Review the mailing and the web service request. The mailing and web service request must specify the same number of attachments. 12
ATTACHMENT_SIZE_EXCEEDED The size of one of the attachments exceeded the maximum allowed attachment size. Individual attachments cannot exceed 1 MB. 13
TOTAL_ATTACHMENT_SIZE_PER_MESSAGE_EXCEEDED The total size of all attachments in the request exceeded the maximum total attachment size per message. The total size of all attachments cannot exceed 2 MB. 14
TMS_MAILING_ATTACHMENTS_LABEL_NOT_FOUND A label provided in the attachments parameter (typically to identify a dynamic transactional image) is missing or does not match the label contained in the email document. NOTE: Attachment labels are case-sensitive; labels entered in the web service request must exactly match the label as entered in the mail document. A label that is provided in the attachments parameter (typically to identify a personalized image) is missing or does not match the label in the email. NOTE: Attachment labels are case-sensitive; labels in the web service request must exactly match the label in the email. 15
TMS_MAILING_ATTACHMENTS_LABEL_DUPLICATED A label provided in the attachments parameter (typically to identify a dynamic transactional image) appears multiple times in the web service request. In the web service request, attachment labels must be unique. A label that is provided in the attachments parameter (typically to identify a personalized image) occurs multiple times in the web service request. In the web service request, attachment labels must be unique. 16