Configuring SFTP

To configure SFTP, complete the following steps.
  1. Execute the following command by navigating to <Deliver_Home>/tools from command prompt to expose ftpProtocol property on UI.

    ./ / bat -p "Affinium|Deliver|serverComponentsAndLocations|hostedServices|ftpProtocol" -v true

  2. Log in to Platform and navigate to Settings > Configuration and select SFTP for ftpProtocol at Affinium|Deliver|serverComponentsAndLocations|hostedServices.
  3. Execute the following command by navigating to <Deliver_Home>/tools from command prompt to expose ftpPort property on UI.

    ./ / bat -p "Affinium|Deliver|serverComponentsAndLocations|hostedServices|ftpPort" -v true

  4. Mention port number as 2222 for ftpPort at Affinium|Deliver|serverComponentsAndLocations|hostedServices.
  5. Keep the value for enforceKnownHostsValidation to false, update the path as <Deliver_HOME>/Conf/known_hosts for knowHostsPath property.

    For example: knowHostsPath - /opt/HCL/Campaign/Deliver/conf/known_hosts

    enforceKnownHostsValidation - False

  6. Optional. In case you have the known_hosts file, update its complete path for knowHostsPath property at Affinium|Deliver|serverComponentsAndLocations|hostedServices and set enforceKnownHostsValidation to true.
  7. Copy private certificate file (id_rsa) to <DELIVER_HOME>/conf and update the complete Path for this private certificate file in pemFilePath property at Affinium|Deliver|partitions|partition1|hostedAccountInfo.

    For example

    pemFilePath – /opt/HCL/Campaign/Deliver/conf/id_rsa

    amDataSourceForSftpPassPhrase-- SFTP_PASSPHRASE_DATASOURCE

  8. In case you had specified passphrase, while generating public/private keys, create a datasource with name SFTP_PASSPHRASE_DATASOURCE under Platform user specified at amUserForAcctCredentials (example: asm_admin) and specify same password / passphrase to this datasource, which you have used while generating public/private keys. Datasource login can be mentioned as any text.
  9. In case you did not specify any passphrase while generating public/private keys, you are not required to create this datasource SFTP_PASSPHRASE_DATASOURCE to asm_admin user or any other user.
  10. Restart App server for Campaign.
  11. Open command prompt, navigate to <Deliver_home>/bin and test SFTP connectivity using rlu , as following. / bat -c

Note: All file paths specified above must be complete including the file Name. Repeat Steps 7 to 9 for all the partitions, where Deliver is configured.