Template requirements for text email

To allow email marketers to design text-only email, template designers must create text-only email templates. Marketers can auto-generate a text-only template from an existing HTML version of the email.

In Deliver, a template used to create text-only email uses a limited set of HTML tags, including tags and settings that are used to define personalization fields and zones. Templates used to create text-only email must also be in HTML format to support the Deliver Message Editor's drag-and-drop editing functions.

The tags that Deliver uses in text-only email include the following.

  • <html> and <body> to define the template
  • <span> when used to identify a zone by defining the class attribute as droppable
  • <UAEpf> to define personalization fields in the template, including personalization fields in hyperlinks
  • <UAEreferenceLabel> to add content (except images) by reference
  • <br/> to force line breaks

Deliver ignores all other HTML tags when generating text-only email.

For example, a simple text-only email template would look like the following.


Dear <UAEpf n="salutation"/> <UAEpf n="LastName"/>,
Thank you for attending our recent conference 
in <UAEpf n="city"/>. 
You will begin receiving our monthly newsletter beginning with the 
<UAEpf n="monthStartNL"/> edition. 
To show our appreciation for your interest, we will be sending you 
<span id="gift" class="droppable">Conference thank you gift</span> 
autographed by our keynote speaker, <span id="speaker" class="droppable">
Conference Keynote</span>. 
We look forward to seeing you again at future events coming to 
<UAEpf n="city"/> soon.