@if, @elseif, @else

Use these tags to specify conditions in the script logic.

Use <@if> to specify a condition that, if true, displays content that you specify in an email. In Deliver scripts, the value of a personalization field often provides the condition and the content displayed.

Optionally, you can use <@if> in combination with <@elseif>, and <@else> to define multiple conditions.

Deliver scripts support using various Operatorsto construct condition statements.


<@if (condition)>

<@elseif (condition2)>



You can include more than one <@elseif> in a condition statement.


A test for account type, assuming the database identifies account type with a number.

<@if (AccountStatus ?number==1)This is a Premium account.
<elseif (AccountStatus ?number==2)This is a Preferred account
<@else>This is a standard account