Accessing the Deliver Reports Processing Overview report

The Deliver Reports Processing Overview is a Mailing Performance report. You can access the Message Overview report from Deliver Analytics page and from the Analysis tab of a campaign. The report describes the results and status of database processing of contact and response data that is used by Deliver reports.

Before you begin

This report requires the DeliverReports Pack. For more information about installing and configuring this report pack, see the Cognos Reports Installation and Configuration Guide and Unica Insights Reports Installation and Configuration Guide.

About this task

The database processes run on a scheduled basis, typically every day. The Deliver Reports Processing Overview can present results for multiple processing runs. When you open the report, it presents results for runs that were completed during the previous 7 days. You can run the report again to include results for a different time period or range of dates.


  1. In the Analytics menu, select Message Analytics.
    The Deliver Analytics window opens.
  2. In the Performance section, click Mailing Performance Reports.
    The Deliver Reports window opens and lists the available reports.
  3. Click Deliver Reports Processing Overview to open the report.
    The report opens and displays results for the previous seven days. Complete the remaining steps in this procedure to run the report again and view results for a different number of days or date ranges.
  4. Specify a range of dates for which you want review results.

    In From Date, enter the earliest date for which you want results. In To Date, enter the last day to include in the report.

  5. Click Run Report to display the report.

    Depending on the range of dates that you selected, the report might contain several pages of results. Page navigation controls are available at the bottom of the report.