Installation steps for Unica Campaign and Unica Optimize

About this task

To install Unica Campaign and Unica Optimize, version for OneDB, perform the following steps.


  1. Place the Unica Campaign version fix pack installer at the same directory as version 12.1 installer.
  2. Run the Unica Campaign fix pack installer through the HCL Unica Installer on all servers, where Unica Campaign resides including the web app server and the listener (analytic) server.
    Note: Provide reference to OneDB jar in jdbc classpath while installation.
  3. Connect to Campaign database and run the following scripts manually.
    For non-unicode database
    • <CAMPAIGN_HOME>\tools\upgrade\11.1+To12.1\ac_upgrade_onedb.sql
    For unicode database
    • <CAMPAIGN_HOME>\tools\upgrade\11.1+To12.1\ac_upgrade_onedb_unicode.sql
  4. Create ODBC DSN for OneDB. See the prerequisites of OneDB database before Campaign installation.
  5. Set up with the following entries.
    Sample example for setenv for Unix
    export LD_LIBRARY_PATH
    export CAMPAIGN_HOME
    export ODBCINI=/etc/odbc.ini
    export LANG=en_US.utf8
    export DB_LOCALE=en_US.utf8
    export CLIENT_LOCALE=en_US.utf8
    export SERVER_LOCALE=en_US.utf8
    export INFORMIXDIR=<HCL_OneDB_Client_SDK>
    export INFORMIXSERVER=onedb
    export ONCONFIG=onconfig.onedb
    export INFORMIXSQLHOSTS=<HCL_OneDB_Client_SDK>/etc/sqlhosts.onedb
    export DELIMIDENT=Y
    export GL_USEGLU=1
  6. Test the connection using Campaign CxnTest utility.
    Note: For cxntest utility test, users are required to use library file.
  7. Deploy the Campaign WAR file in the application server.
  8. Import OneDB datasource template.

    configTool -i -p "Campaign|partitions|partition1|dataSources" -f full_path_to_directory_containing_your_Oracle_template\OneDBTemplate.xml

  9. Configure UA_SYSTEM_TABLES.
  10. Start Unica Campaign listener.

    Windows: CAMPAIGN_HOME\bin\cmpServer.bat

    Unix: CAMPAIGN_HOME/bin/rc.unica_ac start