Creating and populating the Unica Deliver system tables manually

For Unica Deliver, you must create additional system tables in the Unica Campaign schema and then populate the tables with initial data. The Unica Campaign installer automatically creates and populates the Unica Deliver system tables in the Unica Campaign schema if you select the option to create system tables automatically. However, if you do not select the option, you must create and populate the Unica Deliver system tables manually.

Use your database client to run the appropriate script against the Unica Campaign database.

Note: The Unica Deliver installation directory is a subfolder within the Unica Campaign directory.

Scripts for creating Unica Deliver tables

Campaign provides the ace_op_systab scripts for creating Unica Deliver tables in your local environment.

If your Unica Campaign system tables are configured for Unicode, find the appropriate script in the ddl/unicode directory under your Unica Deliver installation.

If your Unica Campaign system tables are not configured for Unicode, use the non-Unicode scripts in the ddl directory under your Unica Deliver installation. Use the following table to see the scripts that you must use:

Table 1. Scripts for creating Unica Deliver tables

To set up unicode environment please execute ddl scripts from CAMPAIGN_HOME/deliver/ddl/unicode location

To set up English environment please execute ddl from CAMPAIGN_HOME/Deliver/ddl location

Data source type Script name



The user tablespace and system temporary tablespace where the system tables reside must each have a page size of 16K or greater.

Microsoft™ SQL Server




Scripts for populating Unica Deliver tables

HCL provides the ace_op_populate_systab scripts for populating the Unica Deliver tables in your local environment.

The populate scripts are stored in the ddl directory of your Unica Deliver installation. HCL provides only one version of the populate scripts because you can use them for either Unicode or non-Unicode tables.
Note: The Unica Deliver installation directory is a subfolder within the Unica Campaign directory.

Use the following table to see the scripts that you must use:

Table 2. Scripts for populating Unica Deliver tables
Data source type Script name



Microsoft SQL Server


