Viewing Regional Preferences

After adding a regional preference, it appears in a list and some details of the regional preference are available for quick reference.

About this task

To view regional preferences, complete the following steps:


  1. Access Contact Central. For more information, see Accessing Unica Contact Central.
  2. Select Regional Preferences.
  3. In the Regional preferences section, you will see a list of all the Regional preferences that you have added. Each regional preference provides the following information for quick reference:
    <regional-preference-name>        <no. of channels>
    <time zone>
    • <regional-preference-name> is the name assigned to the Regional preference.
    • <time zone> is the time zone assigned to the Regional preference.
    • <no. of channels> is the number of channels added to the Regional preference.

    For example:

    Americas-MST                            2
    (UTC-6:00) America/Denver