Platform configurations

To configure Platform for Docker, make the necessary modifications to the platform-configMap.yaml file.

To access the platform-configMap.yaml file, navigate to /unica/templates/ in the Unica charts folder. Open the file and make modifications to the following parameters:

Table 1. Common parameters of Platform
Parameter name Parameter description
PLATFORM_JNDI_NAME JNDI name for Platform.
PLATFORM_POOL_NAME Pool name for Platform.
PRODUCT_OPTS_BASE Base options for all products of Unica.
PRODUCT_OPTS_PLATFORM Product specific options for Platform.
FORCE_INIT_WEBLOGIC Set whether you want to force initialize WebLogic. TRUE to activate for initialization and FALSE to deactivate force initialization.
JAVA_HOME_WEBLOGIC Location of Java Home on your system.
PLATFORM_PRODUCT_NAME The name assigned for Platform.
PLATFORM_WAR_NAME The name of the WAR file.
PLATFORM_APPLICATION_NAME The name of the main application. For example, Unica.
PLATFORM_DOMAIN_USERNAME The domain username for Platform.
PLATFORM_DOMAIN_PASSWORD The domain password for Platform.
Table 2. Database-related parameters of Platform
Parameter name Parameter description
PLATFORM_DATABASE_HOST Host system details of the system hosting the Platform database.
PLATFORM_DATABASE_PORT Port number of the Platform database.
PLATFORM_DATABASE_USERNAME Username to access the Platform database.
PLATFORM_DATABASE_PASSWORD Password to access the Platform database.
PLATFORM_DATABASE_NAME Name of the Platform database.
DB_PLAT The database name for Platform.
PLATFORM_DS_INITIAL_SIZE The initial size of the Platform datasource connection pool.
PLATFORM_DS_MIN_IDLE The minimum number of idle connections (not connected to a database) in the Platform datasource connection pool.
PLATFORM_DS_MAX_IDLE The maximum number of idle connections (not connected to a database) in the Platform datasource connection pool. Any idle connections, which exceeds the configured value, will be removed from the pool.
PLATFORM_DS_MAX_TOTAL The maximum number of connections that the Platform datasource can hold. If the number of connection requests exceed the configured value, the connection will be refused.
PLATFORM_DS_STATEMENT_CACHE_SIZE Maximum number of statements that can be cached in the Platform datasource. Statement caching improves performance by caching executable statements that are used repeatedly.
Table 3. Application server-related parameters of Platform
Parameter name Parameter description
MANAGER_URL The URL to access Manager.
PLAT_HOST_NAME The system host name of Platform.
PLAT_MANAGEMENT_PORT The management port number for the Platform system.
PLAT_MANAGEMENT_HTTPS_PORT The management HTTPS port number for the Platform system.
PLAT_AJP_PORT The AJP port number for the Platform system.
PLAT_HTTP_PORT The HTTP port number for the Platform system.
PLAT_HTTPS_PORT The HTTPS port number for the Platform system.
PLAT_RECOVERY_ENV_PORT The recovery environment port number of the Platform system.
PLAT_STATUS_MANAGER_PORT The status manager port number of the Platform system.
PLAT_MIN_HEAP The minimum heap size allocated for Platform.
PLAT_MAX_HEAP The maximum heap size allocated for Platform.
Table 4. Apache Tomcat-specific parameters
Parameter name Parameter description
TOMCAT_INSTALLER_TARGZ The name of the Apache Tomcat installer TARGZ file.
TOMCAT_INSTALLER_UNZIP_DIRNAME The location to extract the Apache Tomcat installer TARGZ file.
TOMCAT_INSTALL_LOCATION The location to install Apache Tomcat.
FORCE_INIT_TOMCAT Set whether you want to force initialize Apache Tomcat. TRUE to activate for initialization and FALSE to deactivate force initialization.
TOMCAT_SHUTDOWN_PORT The TCP/IP port number of the Apache Tomcat server waiting for a shutdown command.
TOMCAT_MAX_EXECUTOR_THREADS The maximum number of threads (based on the maxThreads property of Apache Tomcat) used for HTTP connections.
TOMCAT_MIN_EXECUTOR_THREADS The minimum number of threads (based on the minSpareThreads property of Apache Tomcat) that is always present in the thread pool.
TOMCAT_REDIRECT_PORT The redirect port number (redirectPort property) of the Apache Tomcat server handling SSL connections.