Common configurations

To configure the common configurations, make the necessary modifications to the common-configMap.yaml file.

To access the common-configMap.yaml file, navigate to /unica/templates/ in the Unica charts folder. Open the file and make modifications to the following parameters:

Table 1. Data Parameters
Parameter name Parameter description
WAIT_TIME Idle wait time in minutes.
VERSION Version number of Unica.
HOME_DIR Home directory of docker.
JAVA_HOME The location of Java Development Kit on the system.
CERTIFICATE_IMPORT_DIR The location of the Unica certificates.
TYPE Specify if it is a new installation or an upgrade. Valid values are INSTALL or UPGRADE.
APPLICATION_DOMAIN The application domain.
HOST Host ID of the Docker host.
HOST_NAME Host name of the Docker host.
DEFAULT_LOCALE The default locale to be used.
DOCKER_JAVA_HOME The path of the Docker Java Home.
MODE Specify the products that you will install on the Docker environment. The abbreviated values for each product are as follows:
  • Platform – PLT
  • Campaign – CMP
  • Optimize – OPT
  • Director – DIR
  • Plan – PLN
  • Interact – INT
  • Offer -
  • BIRT -

If you want to install all products you should provide the value as follows:


If your database is MariaDB, Director will not work on MariaDB. In this case, you must provide the following value:


SERVER_TYPE The application server installed.

Set TRUE if Unica is installed to support Unicode. Set FALSE if Unica is installed without support for Unicode

JRE_HOME The path of the Docker Java Runtime Environment.
SUPPORTED LOCALES The supported locales. Valid values are:
  • en_US
  • zh_TW
  • fr_FR
  • de_DE
  • ja_JP
  • ko_KR
  • pt_BR
  • es_ES
  • zh_CN
  • it_IT
Table 2. Miscellaneous Parameters
Parameter name Parameter description
DB_TYPE The name of the database used in the system. For example, Oracle.
DB_TYPE_UTILS The name of the database utilities used in the system. For example, Oracle.
DB_DRIVER_CLASS The class name of the database drivers.
DIALECT The Hibernate dialect. Each database has a different dialect. For example, the Oracle database dialect is org.hibernate.dialect.Oracle10gDialect.
DB_DRIVER_JAR The location of the database driver JAR file.
REPLACE_CONNECTION_URL_PREFIX The prefix used when forming a URL to the database. Each database has a different prefix. For example, the Oracle database prefix is jdbc:oracle:thin.
JDBC_DRIVER_JAR_LOCATION The location of the JDBC driver JAR file.
TABLE_SPACE The table space name for the database.
DB_ROOT_USER The database root username.
DB_ROOT_PASSWORD The database root password.
DB_HOST_NAME The host name of the database system.
DB_PORT The port number of the database system.
DB2INST1_PASSWORD The password for the DB2 instance.
LICENSE ACCEPT if you accept the license or DECLINE if you do not accept the license.
DB_PLAT The database name for Platform.
DB_PLAN_HOST The host details of the database in the Plan system.
DB_PLAN_HOST_NAME The database host name of the Plan system.
DB_PLAN_PORT The database port number of the Plan system.
DB_PLAN The database name for Plan.
DB_DRIVER The database driver file name.
PROTOCOL The protocol used. For example, HTTP or HTTPS.