
Partitions are associated with Unica Campaign policies and roles. These policies and roles and their partition associations are stored in the Unica Platform system tables. The partitionTool utility seeds the Unica Platform system tables with basic policy and role information for partitions.

When to use partitionTool

For each partition you create, you must use partitionTool to seed the Unica Platform system tables with basic policy and role information.

See the installation guide appropriate for your version of Unica Campaign for detailed instructions on setting up multiple partitions in Unica Campaign.

Special characters and spaces

Any partition description or user, group, or partition name that contains spaces must be enclosed in double quotation marks.


partitionTool -c -s sourcePartition -n newPartitionName [-u admin_user_name] [-d partitionDescription] [-g groupName] [-a application]


The following commands are available in the partitionTool utility.


Replicates (clones) the policies and roles for an existing partition specified using the -s option, and uses the name specified using the -n option. Both of these options are required with c. This command does the following.

  • Creates a new Unica user with the Admin role in both the Administrative Roles policy and the global policy in Unica Campaign. The partition name you specify is automatically set as this user's password.
  • Creates a new Unica Platform group and makes the new Admin user a member of that group.
  • Creates a new partition object.
  • Replicates all the policies associated with the source partition and associates them with the new partition.
  • For each replicated policy, replicates all roles associated with the policy.
  • For each replicated role, maps all functions in the same way that they were mapped in the source role.
  • Assigns the new Unica Platform group to the last system-defined Admin role created during role replication. If you are cloning the default partition, partition1, this role is the default Administrative Role (Admin).


-d partitionDescription

Optional, used with -c only. Specifies a description that appears in the output from the -list command. Must be 256 characters or less. Enclose in double quotation marks if the description contains spaces.

-a application

Optional, used with -c, -n, -g, and -u only . Clones data from the source partition for the specified application only partition. The application must be Unica Suite application.

-g groupName

Optional, used with -c only. Specifies the name of the Unica Platform Admin group that the utility creates. The name must be unique within this instance of Unica Platform

If not defined, the name defaults to partition_nameAdminGroup.

-n partitionName

Optional with -list, required with -c. Must be 32 characters or less.

When used with -list, specifies the partition whose information is listed.

When used with -c, specifies the name of the new partition, and the partition name you specify is used as the password for the Admin user. The partition name must match the name you gave the partition in when you configured it (using the partition template on the Configuration page).

-s sourcePartition

Required, used with -c only. The name of the source partition to be replicated.

-u adminUserName

Optional, used with -c only. Specifies the user name of the Admin user for the replicated partition. The name must be unique within this instance of Unica Platform.

If not defined, the name defaults to partitionNameAdminUser.

The partition name is automatically set as this user's password.


  • Create a partition with the following characteristics.
    • Cloned from partition1
    • Partition name is myPartition
    • Uses the default user name (myPartitionAdminUser) and password (myPartition)
    • Uses the default group name (myPartitionAdminGroup)
    • Description is "ClonedFromPartition1"
    • partitionTool -c -s partition1 -n myPartition -d "ClonedFromPartition1"
  • Create a partition with the following characteristics.
    • Cloned from partition1
    • Partition name is partition2
    • Specifies user name of customerA with the automatically assigned password of partition2
    • Specifies group name of customerAGroup
    • Description is "PartitionForCustomerAGroup"
    • partitionTool -c -s partition1 -n partition2 -u customerA -g customerAGroup -d "PartitionForCustomerAGroup"
  • Update a partition with the following characteristics.
    • Cloned from partition1
    • Partition name is partition2
    • Specifiy admin user name and admin user group of partition2
    • partitionTool -c -s partition1 -n partition2 -u partition2AdminUser -a Journey
Note: While using -a option ensure to specify the group name, if the group name was specified explicitly when partition was created by utility.

partitionTool -c -s partition1 -n partition2 -u partition2AdminUser -g [partition2 group name] -a Journey