String Functions

Macro Name Returns Description
FORMAT One column for each input column Provides output formatting control for both numbers and strings (such as output width, alignment, numeric precision, decimal point symbol, grouping symbol, and so on). Returns the formatted output string.
LIKE One column for each input column Determines whether a text string matches a specified pattern
LOWER One column for each input column Converts string value to lowercase
LTRIM One column for each input column Removes leading space characters from each string value
NUMBER One column for each input column Converts ASCII text strings for times and dates to numeric values
POSITION One column for each input column Returns the starting position of a pattern in a text string
RTRIM One column for each input column Removes trailing space characters from each string value
STRING_CONCAT One column with a value for each row of the shortest input column Concatenates text strings from the specified data ranges
STRING_HEAD One column for each input column Returns the first ncharacters of each string in the specified data range
STRING_LENGTH One column for each input column Returns the length of each string in the specified data range
STRING_PROPER One column for each input column Converts each string value by changing the first letter or any letter that follows a white space character or symbol (other than underscore) into uppercase, and all other characters into lowercase
STRING_SEG One column for each input column Returns the string segment between two specified indexes
STRING_TAIL One column for each input column Returns the last n characters of each string in the specified data range
SUBSTR or SUBSTRING One column for each input column Returns characters from a string from a starting position
UPPER One column for each input column Converts string value to uppercase