Math and Trigonometric Functions

Macro Name Returns Description
ABS One column for each input column Computes the absolute value of the contents of the specified data range
ACOS One column for each input column Computes the arc cosine of the contents of the specified data range
ACOT One column for each input column Computes the arc cotangent of the contents of the specified data range
ASIN One column for each input column Computes the arc sine of the contents of the specified data range
ATAN One column for each input column Computes the arc tangent of the contents of the specified data range
AVG One column for each input column Calculates the arithmetic mean or average of the cells in the specified data range
BETWEEN One column for each input column Compares two values to determine whether the provided value is between two other values
CEILING One column for each input column Computes the ceiling of each value in the specified data range
COLUMN One column for each input column Creates new columns, vertically concatenating the input values in each column
COS One column for each input column Computes the cosine of the contents of the specified data range
COSH One column for each input column Computes the hyperbolic cosine of the contents of the specified data range
COT One column for each input column Computes the cotangent of the contents of the specified data range
COUNT One column containing a single value Counts the number of cells containing values in the specified data range
EXP One column for each input column Computes the natural number (e) raised to the contents of each cell in the specified data range
FACTORIAL One column for each input column Computes the factorial of each value in the specified data range
FLOOR One column for each input column Computes the floor of each value in the specified data range
FRACTION One column for each input column Returns the fractional part of each value in the specified data range
INT One column for each input column Computes the integer value (rounded down) of the contents of the specified data range
INVERSE One column for each input column Computes the negative of the contents of the specified data range
LN One column for each input column Computes the natural log of the contents of the specified data range
LOG One column for each input column Computes the natural log of the contents of the specified data range
LOG2 One column for each input column Computes the log base2 of the contents of the specified data range
LOG10 One column for each input column Computes the log base10 of the contents of the specified data range
MAX Single value in a new column for the ALL keyword; one column with a single value for each input column for the COL keyword; one column with a value for each row for the ROW keyword. Computes the maximum of a range of cells
MEAN Single value in a new column for the ALL keyword; one column with a single value for each input column for the COL keyword; one column with a value for each row for the ROW keyword. Computes the arithmetic mean or average of a range of cells
MIN Single value in a new column for the ALL keyword; one column with a single value for each input column for the COL keyword; one column with a value for each row for the ROW keyword. Computes the minimum of a range of cells
RANDOM One column with the specified number of values Returns the specified number of random numbers
RANDOM_GAUSS One column with the specified number of values Returns the specified number of random values from a Gaussian distribution
ROUND One column for each input column Computes the rounded value of the contents of the specified data range
SIGN One column for each input column Computes the sign (positive or negative) of the values in the specified data range
SIN One column for each input column Computes the sine of the contents of the specified data range
SINH One column for each input column Computes the hyperbolic sine of the contents of the specified data range
SQRT One column for each input column Computes the square root of the contents of the specified data range
STDV or STDEV Single value in a new column for the ALL keyword; one column with a single value for each input column for the COL keyword; one column with a value for each row for the ROW keyword. Computes the standard deviation of a range of cells
SUM Single value in a new column for the ALL keyword; one column with a single value for each input column for the COL keyword; one column with a value for each row for the ROW keyword. Computes the sum of a range of cells
TAN One column for each input column Computes the tangent of the contents of the specified data range
TANH One column for each input column Computes the hyperbolic tangent of the contents of the specified data range
TOTAL Single value in a new column for the ALL keyword; one column with a single value for each input column for the COL keyword; one column with a value for each row for the ROW keyword. Computes the sum of a range of cells
TRUNCATE One column for each input column Returns the non-fractional part of each value in the specified data range
VARIANCE Single value in a new column for the ALL keyword; one column with a single value for each input column for the COL keyword; one column with a value for each row for the ROW keyword. Computes the variance of a range of cells