Unica Campaign Listener (unica_aclsnr)

The Unica Campaign listener (unica_aclsnr) allows clients such as the Unica Campaign web application to connect to back-end analytical server processes.

Before users who log in to Unica can work with any Unica Campaign features, the Unica Campaign listener must be running and the Unica Campaign web application must be deployed and running.

The listener automatically spawns a separate unica_acsvr process for each login and each active flowchart. For example, if one user logs in and then opens a flowchart, the listener spawns two instances of unica_acsvr.

For every Optimize session execution unica_aclsnr process spawns a Optimize server process (unica_acosvr).

You can start and stop the listener manually or automatically.

To have the Unica Campaign server start automatically with the system on which Unica Campaign is running:

  • If Unica Campaign is installed on a Windows server, set up the listener as a service. See Installing the Unica Campaign listener as a Windows service for details.
  • If Unica Campaign is installed on a UNIX server, set up the listener as part of the init process. See your UNIX distribution's documentation for information about setting up the init process.