Backing up Unica Campaign

You must back up your current installation of Unica Campaign before upgrading Unica Campaign. Backing up your current installation of Unica Campaign ensures that you can restore your installation of Unica Campaign to a known working state if any issues occur during the upgrade process. You can back up your installation of Campaign manually or automatically when you run the installers.


Complete the following steps to back up your current installation of Unica Campaign manually:
  1. Back up your Unica Campaign installation directory. If IBM eMessage is installed, back up your IBM eMessage installation directory.

    The Unica Campaign upgrade process installs all files that are required to run Unica Campaign and IBM eMessage. If you have installed IBM eMessage, the Unica Campaign upgrade process upgrades your installation of IBM eMessage when Unica Campaign is upgraded.

  2. Back up the system table databases that are used by your existing installation of Unica Campaign and IBM eMessage if IBM eMessage is installed.

    See your database documentation for instructions on making backups of your data.