Mobile push: using Campaign and Engage

If HCL Campaign and Engage are integrated, you can use Campaign to send mobile push notifications from IBM Engage.

Consider the following points about using the Push process:
  • Mobile push notifications are short messages sent by installed mobile apps that alert smartphone users of offers, updates, and reminders. Push notification is a one-way communication channel. Users can receive messages but they cannot respond. Mobile push notifications are also called Mobile App Messages.
  • Sending mobile push notifications requires a coordinated effort between a Campaign user and an Engage user. Templates must be set up, test runs must be done, and a final production run must be coordinated.
  • After the push is sent, responses are tracked in IBM Engage and routed back to Campaign via UBX and the UBX Toolkit.
  • To route response data from IBM Engage back to Campaign, a UBX Toolkit user (typically the Campaign user) runs scripts. Some organizations automate the scripts so data routing occurs automatically.
  • You can then use Campaign to design the next wave of the campaign.
  • A contact fails for the Push process if the data is NULL or if the contact number is NULL.
Note: Push messages must be sent either by configuring message delivery in the Push process box or by using the Send Experience in IBM Marketing Cloud. Triggering Push messages with a HCL Marketing Cloud program is not supported with the Campaign integration.