Kafka configurations for Autosync

There is a new configuration node inside root level Content Integration node, called Kafka configuration. By default, the Content Integration Framework routes the content events received from CMS via application memory.

It can also use Kafka for routing content events to Centralized Offer Management. For this, you have to make all the appropriate configurations. Currently, the following security protocols are supported for Kafka connectivity:

  • SSL

For SASL, ionly PLAIN mechanism is supported. Select the Use Kafka checkbox if you require Kafka integration for routing content events. Deselect the Use Kafka checkbox to switch back to in-memory routing.

Note: Create a topic named COM.in in Kafka. If you want to configure SASL authorization for Kafka integration, assign READ and WRITE permissions to the configured Kafka user & ci-consumer consumer group.

Some Kafka config properties and their description are as follows:

Kafka Config Property Description
Use Kafka (checkbox) Select or deselect to opt in or opt out of Kafka integration.
Bootstrap servers Comma separated list of Kafka bootstrap servers (brokers).
SASL mechanism The required SASL mechanism.
Unica user for data source Unica user, holding the required data sources containing SASL and/or SSL secrets.
Data source name for SASL Jaas credentials Name of the user data source containing SASL credentials.
SSL - Trust store location Absolute path to the trust store (.jks).
SSL - Data source for truststore password Name of the user data source containing the trust store password (username from the data source is ignored).
SSL - Keystore location Absolute path to the key store (.jks).
SSL - Data source name for keystore password Name of the user data source containing the key store password (username from the data source is ignored).
SSL - Data source name for key password Name of the user data source containing the key password (username from the data source is ignored).