Fixed Defects

The following table lists the fixed defects in Unica Centralized Offer Management 12.1

Table 1. Defects fixed in 12.1
Issue ID Description
HMA-307045 Improved Edit Smart Offer List performance by reducing API calls.
HMA-308690 Edit "Select Box - String" should do options length validation only for newly added options.
HMA-307884 Minor text changes and UX improvements.
HMA-307796 Set correct CreatorFlag in database for duplicate Offer case.
HMA-307286 PolicyId validation was missing while creating offers and offer lists.
HMA-307787 Static offer list creation on step 2, Offer association title "Offers in " was not displaying the name of selected folder.
HMA-307214 SmartOL had issues with maximum allowed limit of attribute values.
HMA-307255 Sorting on standard attributes for localized display names and internal name was incorrect for the locale.
HMA-307761 After movement of Offer/Folder/Offer list from one folder to another, UI was not showing the security policy for the object.
HMA-308044 Vertical text should be present for all applicable screens for JA,KO,zhCN,zhTW where other locales have rotated text.
HMA-307068 SmartOL_Update criteria button was going out of the screen when Orderby attribute display name exceeded 192 characters.
HMA-307257 MariaDB_SmartOL_System did not fetch the offer in a specific case even if offer meets defined criteria.
HMA-308347 offerCodeGeneratorClasspath property not required in configuration.
HMA-307872 Translation related multiple defects.
HMA-309896 COM12.1 UI_Select box string attribute creation issues.
HMA-307629 Product conditions was getting modified if offer was in use.
HMA-307096 Backend API validation message was not being shown localized.
HMA-307410 Even if the COM integration flag was OFF, user could use COM if any COM page is set as current home page.
HMA-306011 Upgrade_On upgraded offer instance save button was not enabled if the value started with a space.
HMA-306261 Search issues in attribute and template in french characters.
HMA-306566 Non-English locale: KO/ZNCN/JA titles are fixed.
HMA-305444 UI_Chrome_Smart OL view summary was distorted if an attribute had a long display name.
HMA-305620 UI_Currency symbol was not being displayed on UI for currency type of attributes.
HMA-305496 SmartOL_Default order of folders display was incorrect in Restrict folder section.
HMA-305295 SmartOL_Error messages were not displayed correctly for invalid inputs, or not providing input on Add criteria pane.
HMA-304427 500 Internal Error was seen when folder delete operation was performed having as Offer used in Campaign flowchart.
HMA-304817 If user did not have report system / user rights on analysis, an error was displayed.
HMA-305784 Offer Delete used in Static offer list did not display information of its usage in Delete message.
HMA-307310 Offer Save as template was not saving default values of attributes from Offer instance.
HMA-305224 Security permission restriction for listing of different entities.
HMA-305679 UI: If duration value was negative, UI was not handling it with the correct error message.
HMA-309653 Offer admin could not work with offer settings as well as offers menu.
HMA-306123 Missing max length validations in Offer and Template creation flow.
HMA-306009 Asset Picker: On changing the pagination, selected image did not get saved.
HMA-304497 Partition template was not getting configured under Offer - partitions.
HMA-305639 If a source value was removed from Enum attribute after creation, which was already used in template or offer, blank value was getting displayed in the attributes value for that template and offer.
HMA-306706 Non-English locale: In smart offer list criteria summary page- order (ascending/descending) was not translated.
HMA-306391 In Siteminder, there were multiple issues with few Offer/Offerlist actions.
HMA-305905 "Unable to fetch data" or no error on UI when user does not have access and tries for multiple times.
HMA-311236 Birt reports is not renamed as Unica Insights Reports as part of rebranding.