Creating offers without template settings

To create offers without template settings, complete the following steps:


  1. From the Marketing Platform home page, select Settings > OfferSettings.
    The Offer settings page appears.
  2. Select Offer without template settings.
    The Offer without template settings page appears.
  3. In the Basic options, provide values for the following fields:
    • Select template icons - Select the required template icon.
    • Description - Provide a description of the offer.
    • Suggested usages - Provide a description of the various usages where the offer can be used.
  4. In the Offer codes, provide values for the following fields:
    • Offer codes - Enter a desired alphanumeric offer code format. The offer code format should be five blocks where each block contains an alphanumeric string, less than 32 characters in each block. For example, O00001-MYCOMP-HDYBNZ-SEG001-PRT001.
    • Offer code generator - Enter the name of the offer code generator which will generate the offer codes based on the format.
    • Treatment code format -
    • Treatment code generator -
  5. To save the offer without template, click Save.