Enabling contacts sync for your mobile device

To sync your local contacts file (names.nsf) with the contacts on your device, you must first verify that you have sync enabled between your local contacts file and mail file using your IBM® Notes® client.

The directions to sync your local contacts file and mail file depend on the template version of your mail file. In order to sync contacts with photos, you must be using a Domino® 8.x mail file template.

Enabling contacts sync for a IBM® Notes® 8.x mail file

Enabling contacts sync keeps your mail file contacts and device contacts up-to-date. Before you can sync your contacts, you must set a contacts preference that enables sync.

  1. Open your mail file with your IBM® Notes® client. The next steps you take depend on the client you use.
  2. If you use IBM® Notes® 8 Standard, follow these steps:
    1. Click File > Preferences.
    2. Click Contacts.
    3. Select Synchronize Contacts on the Replicator and click OK.
    4. Click Open > Replication.
    5. Make sure that Synchronize Contacts is selected.
    6. Click Start Now.
  3. If you use IBM® Notes® 8 Basic, follow these steps:
    1. Click Contacts bookmark in the bookmark bar to open your local contacts file (names.nsf).
    2. Click Actions > More > Preferences.
    3. Select Enable "Synchronize Contacts" on the Replicator and click OK.
    4. Click Replication and Sync bookmark in the bookmark bar.
    5. Make sure that Synchronize Contacts is selected.
    6. Click Start Now.

Enabling contacts sync keeps your mail file contacts and device contacts up-to-date. Before you can sync your contacts, you must set a contacts preference that enables sync.

  1. Open your mail file with your IBM® Notes® client. The next steps you take depend on the client you use.
  2. If you use IBM® Notes® 8 Standard, follow these steps:
    1. Click File > Preferences.
    2. Click Contacts.
    3. Select Synchronize Contacts on the Replicator and click OK.
    4. Click Open > Replication.
    5. Make sure that Synchronize Contacts is selected.
    6. Click Start Now.
  3. If you use IBM® Notes® 8 Basic, follow these steps:
    1. Click Contacts bookmark in the bookmark bar to open your local contacts file (names.nsf).
    2. Click Actions > More > Preferences.
    3. Select Enable "Synchronize Contacts" on the Replicator and click OK.
    4. Click Replication and Sync bookmark in the bookmark bar.
    5. Make sure that Synchronize Contacts is selected.
    6. Click Start Now.

Enabling contacts syncing for a IBM® Notes® 7.x mail file

  1. Open your mail file with your IBM® Notes® client.
  2. Select Actions > Synchronize Address Book to enable the mobile device to receive contact data from your mail file. Repeat this action every time you want to sync differences between the local address book (contacts) and any mobile devices that you are using.