Manually configuring the HTTP server

This topic includes a complete list of all Domino® HTTP configuration changes required to successfully start and run IBM Traveler. In general it is not necessary to make any manual configuration changes to the Domino® server. However, in some environments the IBM Traveler server may not have write access to the Domino® server document. In this case, add NTS_AUTO_CONFIG=false to the Notes®.ini file to suppress any error messages, and then make the required changes to the server document as specified in this topic.


  1. Open httpd.conf located in the Domino® data directory. Ensure that the following lines are included in the file:
    AddType .sisx x-epoc/x-sisx-app # Symbian S60 applications 
    AddType .cab application/ # Windows Mobile installation file
    AddType .apk application/ # Android installation file
    AddType .mobileconfig application/x-apple-aspen-config # iPhone Configuration Utility Configuration Profiles 
  2. Complete these steps if the server is configured to use Web Configurations (not Internet Site Documents):
    1. Open the Domino® server document in edit mode.
    2. Click Internet Protocols > HTTP.
    3. Optional: Set Home URL to /traveler if you want the IBM Traveler user home page to be the default site for this server.
    4. Click Domino Web Engine.
    5. Important: In past releases, the Domino® Servlet Manager was required. With IBM Traveler 8.5.3 Upgrade Pack 1 and later releases, this is no longer needed. If you are not using any other servlets on this system, you can set the Java servlet support to None.
    6. In the Domino® Access Services section, add TravelerAdmin to the Enabled services list.
  3. Complete these steps if the server is configured to use Internet site documents:
    1. Open the Internet site document for Web Protocol in edit mode.
    2. Click Basic.
    3. Either set the Use this web site to handle requests which cannot be mapped to this site to Yes, or set the Host names or addresses mapped to this site with the host name that the IBM Traveler client uses to connect to this server.
    4. Click Configuration.
    5. Optional: Set Home URL to /traveler if you want the IBM Traveler user home page to be the default site for this server.
    6. For Allowed Methods, select GET, POST, and OPTIONS to allow mobile device access, and select PUT and DELETE if you intend to use the IBM Traveler MDM APIs.
    7. In the Domino® Access Services section, add TravelerAdmin to the Enabled services list.
  4. Optional: For backwards compatibility with older IBM® Traveler clients add a substitution rule similar to the following options:
    If you are using Internet Site documents, do the following: Under Configuration > Web > Internet Sites, open the Internet Site for web protocol for this server. Then select Web Site > Create Rule and add the following:
    • Type of rule: Substitution
    • Incomming URL pattern: /servlet/traveler*
    • Replacement pattern: /traveler*
    Rule (substitution): /servlet/traveler*-->/traveler*) 
    If you are not using Internet Site documents, do the following: Under Configuration > Web > Web Configurations, open the Domino® server for this server. Then select Create Web... > URL Mapping/Redirection and add the following:
    • Basics: What do you want to setup: URL -- URL
    • Mapping: Incoming URL path: /servlet/traveler*
    • Mapping: Replacement URL string: /traveler*
    URL -> URL for (/servlet/traveler*->/traveler*)
  5. Optional: For ease of configuring apple devices add a redirect rule similar to one of the following:
    If you are using Internet Site documents, do the following: Under Configuration > Web > Internet Sites, open the Internet Site for web protocol for this server. Then select Web Site > Create Rule and enter the following:
    • Type of rule: Substitution
    • Incomming URL pattern: /Microsoft-Server-ActiveSync*
    • Replacement pattern: /traveler/Microsoft-Server-ActiveSync*
    Rule (substitution): /Microsoft-Server-ActiveSync*-->/traveler/Microsoft-Server-ActiveSync*)
    If you are not using Internet Site documents, do the following: Under Configuration > Web > Web Configurations, open the Domino® server for this server. Then select Create Web... > URL Mapping/Redirection and enter the following:
    • Basics: What do you want to setup: URL -- URL
    • Mapping: Incoming URL path: /Microsoft-Server-ActiveSync*
    • Mapping: Replacement URL string: /traveler/Microsoft-Server-ActiveSync*
    URL -> URL for (/servlet/traveler*->/traveler*)
  6. Restart the HTTP server.
    Tip: For information about changing HTTP threads or other performance tuning information, see Tuning performance of the server.