Enterprise database configuration

A Traveler HA environment should be set up over a Traveler standalone environment. A Traveler HA environment offloads all the work to store, index, sort and retrieve relational data to an enterprise database management server (DBMS) like DB2 or MS SQL Server. This greatly improves the performance and availability of the Traveler environment.

For small deployments, it’s acceptable to use an existing DBMS deployment that may be hosting other databases and/or other Traveler environments. For medium to large deployments, have an enterprise database environment that is dedicated to the Traveler environment being hosted. The main concern when setting up your enterprise database environment, other than the performance characteristics noted elsewhere, is to consider any overhead associated with HADR, mirroring, or any other HADR technology employed to improve data availability.

When enabling HADR in DB2 or mirroring in MS SQL Server, it is important to have a separate disk volume for the database transaction logs as the transaction log is heavily used to support the HA features of the enterprise database system. Geographic proximity of the primary and secondary servers is also important to reduce network latency. If distributing the primary and secondary DBMS servers is required for your organization, ensure that there is a dedicated high-speed network connection between the two sites to minimize any performance impact.

Best practice tip: when setting up any type of database HADR, separate the database volume and log volume on two physically separate solid state disk (SSD) arrays. Doing so ensures maximum performance for your DBMS solution.
Note: Be sure to take a look at the enterprise database version requirements detailed in this article.