Central processing units (CPUs)

These days it doesn’t make sense to talk much about processing speed, as most CPUs are 2GHZ or better, which is more than sufficient for use with the Traveler product. Instead we discuss the number of CPUs allocated to the physical or virtual system.

Each environment is unique in its CPU requirements. Use the following information to establish a baseline, then monitor CPU to see if you can remove some CPUs or add more if needed.

The following table outlines the CPU recommendations for each Traveler server based on the number of devices each Traveler server is expected to host. To account for users who have multiple devices, general rule of thumb is that users have, on average, 1.2 devices.
Table 1. CPU recommendations for Traveler servers
Number of devices1 Traveler standalone server Traveler HA server
Less than 100 4 CPUs 2 CPUs
100 - 500 8 CPUs 4 CPUs
500 - 1000 NA2 8 CPUs
1000 - 2000 NA2 12 CPUs
Greater than 2000 NA2 16 CPUs
1To estimate number of devices, multiply 1.2 times the number of expected users.

2Running a Traveler standalone environment with more than 500 devices is not recommended.

For the enterprise database, the CPUs are based on the total number of devices expected to be handled by the enterprise database server. Best practice is to have one enterprise database server per Traveler HA environment. However, an enterprise database server can host more than one Traveler HA environment as long as you consider the total number of devices when planning for capacity.
Table 2. CPU recommendations for enterprise database servers
Number of devices1 Enterprise database server
Less than 2000 4 CPUs
2000 - 5000 8 CPUs
5000 - 10,000 16 CPUs
10,000 - 18,000 24 CPUs
1To estimate number of devices, multiply 1.2 times the number of expected users.