Uninstalling the Sametime Video MCU

Uninstall prerequisite Red Hat Package Manager (RPM) files and then uninstall the IBM® Sametime® Video MCU.

Before you begin

Be aware that the following directories at the top level are removed when you uninstall the product.
  • /config
  • /cs
  • /cs/cfg
  • /data
  • /EMA
  • /EMACfg
  • ../../lib/libz.so.1.2.3
  • /mcms
  • /mrmx
  • /output


  1. On the computer where you will uninstall the Sametime Video MCU, log on as root.
  2. Navigate to the Sametime Video MCU installation folder; for example: /opt/IBM/Sametime/STVideoMCU directory.
  3. Ensure you add the Sametime System Console admin password to your console.properties file before running the command ./uninstallVideoMcu.sh in step 4.
  4. Run the following command to uninstall the Sametime Video MCU: ./uninstallVideoMcu.sh

    If the uninstall script fails, manually remove the Video MCU files by entering these commands:

    Attention: The first two commands use the backtick character (`) rather than single quotes.
    rpm -e --noscripts `rpm -qa|grep Sametime`
    rpm -e `rpm -qa|grep ibm-sametime`
    rm -rf /opt/IBM/Sametime/STAVMCU
    rm -rf /opt/IBM/Sametime/STVideoMCU
    rm -rf /tmp/RPMs
  5. Delete the Sametime Video MCU deployment plan in the Sametime System Console.

    You cannot reinstall the Sametime Video MCU using a previous deployment plan. Create a new deployment plan if you reinstall the Sametime Video MCU.

    For information about deleting the deployment plan, see the topic Updating the Sametime System Console when server unregistration fails.