Generating reports

Meeting reports provide details about meeting attendees, such as the amount of time they attended a meeting.

The availability for meeting owners to obtain meeting reports is determine by the Sametime administrator.

When available, there are several report types that meeting owners can access:
Lists participants in a meeting. This report is generated during the meeting. This report can be generated multiple times during a meeting by the moderator.
Available after a meeting ends, it contains general information about the meeting.
Available after a meeting ends, it contains detail information about the meeting including participants.
Table 1. Report information
Information Summary Report Full Report Participant Report
Meeting details including: date, start and end times, and duration. Indicates if the meeting is moderated, guest allowed, password required, and dial-in allowed. x x x
The time the report was generated. x
A list of participants and the time they joined and left the meeting. x x x
A list of moderators x x
A list of moderators x
A list of presenters. x
A link to recording of meeting, if recorded x
An log of meeting activities. x
Transcript containing chat messages. x