Sharing a video

About this task

By default, regardless of access level, anyone can share a video during a meeting. The video is viewable by all participants.


  1. Scroll over to the bottom of the meeting window and select More actions .
  2. Select Share a video.
  3. Enter or paste the YouTube link or direct video link.
    Note: Only .mp4 file types are supported for direct video links. Depending on your network security settings, your browser might prevent access to an http link from an https site. Contact your server administrator for more details.
  4. Select Share. The video is displayed in a separate tile and is visible to all meeting participants. You can control the video settings with the options provided on the video.
    Only one video can be shared at a time. By default, sharing a video while another video is being presented is allowed. In that instance, the previous video is automatically removed from the tile and is replaced with the current video that is being shared. To limit control, enable the Moderated option. For more information, refer to Creating a new meeting.

Removing a shared video

About this task

You can either remove or leave a video active after it has ended. By defaut, other meeting participants can also share their video during the meeting. To manually remove a shared video, follow these steps:


  1. Select More actions .
  2. Select Stop video.
  3. Select Remove.