Configuring MongoDB for Sametime

This topic describes how to configure MongoDB on both the Windows and Linux platforms to support a Sametime and Sametime Premium deployment.

About this task

MongoDB security is not enabled by default. Securing MongoDB is not required for Sametime but provides the best results. For more information, see Enabling security in MongoDB.


  1. Start the MongoDB server as a service, if it has not already been started.
  2. Start the MongoDB console.
    • For Windows, run the mongo.exe program which is in the following directory: C:\Program Files\MongoDB\Server\4.4\bin
    • For Linux, run >mongo.
  3. From the MongoDB console, run the following commands to create sametimeUser in MongoDB.
    You can use and modify the following example. If you change the user and password, you must use the new values when you configure the Sametime server in a later step.
    use admin
    db.createUser({user: "sametimeUser", pwd: "sametime", roles:[{role:"readWrite", db:"chatlogging"},{ role:"readWrite", db:"mobileOffline"},{ role:"readWrite", db:"meeting"},{role:"dbAdmin", db:"meeting"},{role:"userAdminAnyDatabase", db:"admin"}]})
    When complete, a message is displayed that the user was added along with details as shown in the following example.
  4. From the MongoDB console, run the following commands to create the chatlogging database with events and sessions collections in MongoDB.
    use chatlogging     
    db.EVENTS.insertOne({"_id" : "dummy"})
    db.SESSIONS.insertOne({"_id" : "dummy"}) 
    Note: The commands are case sensitive and must be typed as shown.
  5. Stop the MongoDB server and exit the console to pick up the new schema version change. To exit the MongoDB console, use the exit command.
    To shut down the MongoDB server:
    • On Windows, stop the MongoDB service.
    • On Linux, use run the service mongod stop command.
  6. Edit the mongod.cfg file.
    • Windows: C:\Program Files\MongoDB\Server\4.4\bin
    • Linux: /etc/mongod.conf
    1. Remove the comment character or add the replication statement. Add replSetName: rs0 under it.
        replSetName: rs0
    2. Under # network interfaces, add bindIpAll: true.
        port: 27017
        bindIpAll: true
      • You can copy and paste the instructions from this document. Be aware that the format of the instructions is critical and must remain the same. The indentations are two spaces, not a tab. Also, there can be no trailing spaces at the end of each line.
      • If the MongoDB logs and data were different from the default values, confirm that this file needs to be updated correctly.
    3. Save the file. Make sure the file is not saved as a .txt file type when saving.
  7. Start the MongoDB service.
    • For Windows, start the MongoDB Server (MongoDB) service from the Windows Services panel.
    • For Linux, run the following command.
      service mongod start 
  8. Start the MongoDB console.
    • For Windows:
      C:\Program Files\MongoDB\Server\4.4\bin\mongo.exe
    • For Linux:
  9. From the MongoDB console, run the following command to initiate the Replica Set in MongoDB.
    Note: For Windows, review the message that is displayed. The expected message is rs0:Secondary or rs0:OTHER. Press Enter and the message changes to rs0:Primary>. rs.conf()
  10. The replica set is now operational. To view the replica set configuration, run the command from the MongoDB Console. To check the status of the replica set, use the rs.status() command.

    At this point, you can exit the console using the exit command.

    Note: When MongoDB is not configured on the local host, the configuration must reflect the correct host name or IP. See the HCL Sametime 11 clients fail when MongoDB host is not configured correctly on the Community server article for known issues.

What to do next

After MongoDB is configured, you can install Sametime. Refer to the Installing Sametime topic for details.