Installing MongoDB on Windows

MongoDB can be downloaded from the MongoDB website. This topic guides you through the steps for installing MongoDB on Windows.

About this task

For additional information on installing MongoDB on Windows, refer to Install MongoDB Community Edition on Windows.

Note: In the following steps, MongoDB version 4.4 is used as an example. If you are using a different version of MongoDB, refer to the MongoDB documentation for instructions on how to issue commands for the version that you are using.


  1. Download the latest MongoDB 4.4.x version from the Download MongoDB Community Server page.
  2. In the Available Download section, select the version to download.
    1. From the Platform field, select Windows.
    2. From the Package field, select msi.
      You have the option to download a msi or zip file.
    3. Select Download.
  3. Navigate to the folder where the MongoDB installation file was downloaded and run the msi file.
    This starts the installation process.
  4. Follow the MongoDB Setup Wizard to complete the install.
    Select Next to view the license agreement. To continue, accept the license and select Next.
  5. On the Choose Setup Type window, select Complete.
  6. On the Service Configuration window, specify the following options and then select Next.
    • Check Install MongoDB as a Service. It is required to run MongoDB as a Windows service.
    • Enable Run service as Network Service user.
    • You can use the default values for Service, Data Directory, and Log Directory. If you modify these values, be sure to keep a note of the values. They are needed for the configuration steps.
    mongodb service configuration dialogue
  7. Install MongoDB Compass is optional and not required for deploying Sametime. Clear the checkbox for Install MongoDB Compass and select Next.
    If MongoDB Compass is installed, it starts after the installation process completes. You can shut down the MongoDB Compass application, as it is not used for Sametime deployments.
  8. Select Install to complete the MongoDB installation.
    During the installation process, you might be prompted about files that cannot be updated while the system is running. You can choose to continue and manually restart the computer later.
    After the install process completes, you must restart your computer. Restart your system message
  9. When the installation process is compete, select Finish.
  10. After the system restarts, MongoDB automatically runs as a Windows service.
  11. Verify that MongoDB is installed successfully by opening the MongoDB Console. To open the console, navigate to the MongoDB installation directory and locate the bin directory. For example: C:\Program Files\MongoDB\Server\4.4\bin. Start the mongo application.
    To close the console, type Exit on the command line. Graphic showing mongodb console

What to do next

Configure MongoDB for HCL Sametime