Access level - ACL settings

Access levels are the database ACL settings that control the type of actions a user can perform on the contents of a database and on the database itself. Access levels range from No Access, which prevents a user from opening a database, to Manager, which lets a user read, create, and edit the ACL and all documents in the database.

Users that are listed both individually and in one or more groups in the ACL might be assigned different levels of access. The access level granted in an individual entry takes precedence over the access level granted through a group entry. If a user is in multiple groups, the user is granted the access level of the group with the highest level of access.

If a user or group has one level of access in the ACL and another level of access in a database component (such as a Read or View access list), the database component access level takes precedence over the user or group access level.

The following access levels are listed from lowest to highest. A higher access level has all the privileges granted to lower access levels. For example, Authors can perform all of the functions of a Depositor and a Reader.

No Access
No Access prevents a user from accessing the database. For example, if you assign No Access as the Default access for a database, only a user who has a Person document in the Address Book and is listed in the ACL can access the database.
Depositor access allows a user to create documents but not view any documents in the database, including the documents created by the user. This access level is not generally used for Sametime® databases. This ACL type is most frequently used for automatic agents to write documents into a database for Domino® applications.
Reader access allows a user to read documents in a database, but not create or edit documents.
Author access allows a user to create and edit documents. Users with Author access can edit documents they have created themselves, but they cannot edit documents created by other users.
Editor access allows users to read, create, and edit all documents in the database, including those created by other users.
Designer access allows a user to create full-text indexes, modify all database design elements, and read, create, and edit all documents in the database. This access level is primarily for programmers and database developers.
Manager access allows a user to read, create, and edit the ACL and all documents in a database, modify ACL settings, and delete the database. Modifying the ACL and deleting databases are tasks permitted by no other access level. This access level is usually assigned to Sametime administrators and is not recommended for general users.
Each database must have at least one Manager. Generally, the Manager access level is provided in each database to the person specified as the administrator during the Sametime installation and setup procedure. You should assign Manager access to two people in case one manager is unavailable. For information about granting other users administrative privileges, see Allowing others to use the Sametime Administration Tool.