Installing the SafeLinx Server silently

On Windows, you can run a silent installation of the SafeLinx Server version 1.3 and above.


  1. Open a command prompt as administrator and change to the directory that contains the SafeLinx Server installation files.
  2. Type the following command: HCL-SafeLinx-<version>-X64.exe /S /v/qn, (no space between /v and /qn) where <version> is the version number, for example 1302 for version, 120 for version 1.2, 111 for version 1.1.1, and so forth.
    This command starts silent installation of the HCL Safelinx server at C:\Program Files\HCL\SafeLinx. location.
  3. As it doesn’t show any progress, wait for some time and see all the binaries are available and services are up.
  4. Installation logs are found at C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\Temp.