Installing HCL OneTest API mediator for WebSphere® Application Server Service Integration Bus

To record and virtualize SIBus destinations, you must install HCL OneTest API SIBus intercept mediator in WebSphere® Application Server.

About this task

HCL OneTest API SIBus intercept mediator package is provided with HCL Quality Server.


  1. Download and extract the SIBus intercept mediator package ( from HCL Quality Server into a location.
    For more information, see HCL OneTest API tool packages
  2. Install the greenhat.sibus.agent.ear file in WebSphere® Application Server. It installs as an enterprise application in two modules:
    • The mediation handler: This module can be configured as a mediation and then applied to destinations on which recording or stubbing is required.
    • The agent: This module provides the communication with HCL Quality Server. The agent starts when the installed enterprise application is started and then the agent intercept registers itself with HCL Quality Server.
  3. The agent uses the registration.xml file that is distributed with IBMWebSphereSIBus package. You must edit the registration.xml file to point to HCL Quality Server. To access the registration.xml file, the agent uses a Java system property called You must edit this property to include the path to the registration.xml file.
    1. Ensure that the server base-url setting specifies the HCL Quality Server instance that you want to use.
    2. To specify a name for this intercept, uncomment and edit the identifier name.
      The name will be displayed for the agent under the Engines tab section on the Infrastructure Dashboard of HCL Quality Server. Assigning a name to an intercept makes it easier to identify it when there are two or more intercepts of the same type registered with HCL Quality Server.
    3. Set the required statistics initial state in the file.
      • Setting statistics initial-state to on will set the Observation level for this intercept in HCL Quality Server to Statistics when the intercept first registers with HCL Quality Server.
      • Setting statistics initial-state to off will set the Observation level for this intercept in HCL Quality Server to None when the intercept first registers with HCL Quality Server.