Hijacked files

When you work with a HCL OneTest UI script or its supporting files in a ClearCase® snapshot view, if you do not check out the file in ClearCase®, and modify the file, the file is hijacked.

When Rational® ClearCase® loads a file element into a snapshot view, it applies the file system read-only attribute to the file. If you change this attribute and modify a loaded file without checking it out, ClearCase® considers the file hijacked.

For example, you check out some files to your snapshot view on your laptop. You work disconnected from ClearCase® and discover that you forgot to check out some files. You change the read/write status of the files you need to work on through your operating system and make your changes to the file. When you check out the file to update it with your changes, you get a message that the file is hijacked.

Hijacking takes a file outside of direct ClearCase® control. Although the update operation detects whether you have hijacked a file, do not hijack files as standard practice.

If you hijack a supporting file for a Functional Test script, when you check out the script, HCL OneTest UI prompts you to resolve the hijack in the Check Out dialog box. To fix a hijacked file, click the appropriate check box in the Check Out dialog box.